Treating Autoimmunity with Naturopathic Medicine

Do you have a family history of autoimmune diseases and want more information? Keep reading to learn about the different autoimmune conditions, including which ones run in families and treating…

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237 views 7:23 am 0 Comments

Key Benefits of Pre-marital Counseling

Premarital counselling is a form of therapy or counselling that engaged couples undertake before getting married. Its primary goal is to help couples prepare for a strong and healthy marriage…

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449 views 10:00 am 0 Comments

How important is diet when treating acne?

Many people have acne. It impacts everyone regardless of their age. Acne includes pimples, blackheads, and whiteheads. You can see it on the face, back, and chest. It can make…

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531 views 8:53 am 0 Comments

Food to Boost Your Immune System

You can boost your immune system by eating foods rich in vitamins and nutrients. One cup of broccoli contains as much vitamin C as an orange, and it's also packed…

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900 views 12:22 pm 0 Comments

Tips For Better Health Today

There are a few practical tips that can help you improve your health today. Some of these tips include: avoiding passive smoking, making healthy food choices, avoiding sugary drinks, and…

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1984 views 12:13 pm 0 Comments

5 Ways physiotherapy benefits your treatment plan

Physiotherapy, also known as physical therapy, is a treatment method that focuses on mobility. It is used to: treats physical injuries,  maintains proper mobility,  and improves strength.  Physiotherapists are qualified…

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757 views 5:45 am 0 Comments

Can Counselling Fix Eating Disorders?

Eating disorders are mental health conditions that cause people to have an unhealthy or abnormal relationship with food. The leading causes of eating disorders are not fully understood, but some…

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787 views 10:36 am 0 Comments

4 Cliches You Should Avoid About Counselling

Life can sometimes take a lot from you and leave you overwhelmed and confused. These feelings are quite normal, and everybody experiences them.  However, they should be kept from being…

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740 views 10:49 am 0 Comments

5 Benefits Of Including HCG Drops In Your Diet

HCG, or Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, is a naturally occurring hormone that the human body produces mostly during ovulation and pregnancy.  Thanks to new research, various other ways that this hormone…

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572 views 2:55 am 0 Comments

5 Vaping Facts You Need To Know

Vaping products like e-cigarettes first became available around 2007, though they became popular much later.  The biggest reason for this sudden rise in their popularity was their evolution, which allowed…

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601 views 9:46 am 0 Comments