Can Counselling Fix Eating Disorders?

899 views 10:36 am 0 Comments October 15, 2021

Eating disorders are mental health conditions that cause people to have an unhealthy or abnormal relationship with food.

The leading causes of eating disorders are not fully understood, but some factors have increased the risk of developing them. 

These factors may include genetics; personality traits such as perfectionism; childhood abuse; traumatic events such as family deaths, and body dissatisfaction due to societal pressures.

Eating Disorders

What Happens During Eating Disorder Counselling?

The first step in counseling for eating disorders is identifying the underlying cause. It could be anything from anxiety to stress or depression. The counsellor will work with the client to find a way to cope with these feelings.

The therapist will also help the client develop a healthy relationship with food and their body by teaching them how to eat more mindfully. 

This includes choosing what they eat and how much they eat. They can also help the client develop healthier ways of coping with emotions that trigger binging or purging behaviours.

How Counsellors Counsel Eating Disorders Patients?

Eating disorders are complex mental illnesses that affect millions of people around the world. Counselors are one of the most important resources for patients with an eating disorder. However, not all counsellors are qualified to work with these patients due to a lack of funding and training.

Counsellors have a unique role in the treatment process. They offer patients support, safety, and education during their recovery process. 

They also help them develop coping skills to deal with triggers and symptoms. Counsellors can also refer to other professionals, such as therapists or doctors.

The most important thing is that counselors have specialized training in this area and know how to recognize when someone needs more care than they can offer.

Co-Occurring Mental Illnesses in Individuals with Eating Disorders

Eating disorders are serious mental illnesses typically characterised by an individual’s inability to maintain a healthy weight and body shape. It is estimated that up to 90% of individuals with eating disorders also have co-occurring mental illnesses.

The most common co-occurring mental illnesses in individuals with eating disorders include depression, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), bipolar disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). These co-occurring mental illnesses are not mutually exclusive – they often occur together in the same individual.


Eating disorders are severe mental health conditions affecting someone’s ability to eat, feel full, and maintain a healthy weight. And yes, taking counselling sessions from a reputable counselling centre can fix eating disorders a lot. It is not the only way to treat eating disorders. Many treatments for eating disorders can be used in conjunction with counselling.

It is great for helping people explore their feelings and get in touch with their emotions. Counsellors can help people explore what may have triggered their disorder and how they feel about it. They can also help people develop healthy coping strategies to start feeling better about themselves again.

Though counselling is not the only way to treat eating disorders, it is effective when used in conjunction with other treatments, such as therapy or medication.

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