What Happens When You Get Arrested for a DUI?

768 views 7:53 am 0 Comments July 27, 2022

If you or someone you know has been arrested for a DUI, your first question is likely, “what now?”. It’s understandable to have worries and be confused about what will happen next.

After all, driving under the influence (DUI) of drugs or alcohol can have serious consequences depending on state laws and the specifics of each case (from increasing insurance rates to losing your job).

To ensure that you’re able to protect yourself while going through this tough process, it pays off big time to understand how a DUI charge works and what potential penalties could be imposed.

Read on as we clear up some common confusion surrounding DUIs so that you’re better prepared should an arrest occur.

Arrested for a DUI

Possible Penalties & Consequences

The consequences of getting arrested for DUI are serious. Depending on the severity and number of offenses, it could result in jail time, hefty fines, mandatory community service hours and even license suspension or revocation. 

In addition, one may have to install an Ignition Interlock Device (IID) in their car, which restricts vehicle operation while under the influence, as well as an ankle monitor with an alcohol detection feature if required by court order.

Overview of The Arrest Process

Most states have laws allowing law enforcement officers to detain individuals suspected of operating vehicles impaired by drugs or alcohol; this usually involves asking questions about recent activities (such as whether they had anything to drink before driving) and conducting field sobriety tests if needed.

If any suspicion remains, then we will order further chemical testing. Samples can range from breathalyzers to actual blood tests, after which the officer has grounds for arrest if all indications show that the individual was driving under the influence.

What Happens After The Arrest?

After being taken into custody, the individual will need to go through a booking process where personal information, such as name, address etc., is collected along with fingerprints and photos to identify them in case of future criminal activity or charges being filed against them all possessions, including money and credit cards, will also be secured by law enforcement at this point. 

They may also be asked additional questions before they are released on bail (which must also be paid beforehand).

What’s Next?

Once out on bail, one must take all necessary steps towards preparing for their upcoming court date. 

This includes obtaining legal aid from competent attorneys specializing in DUI cases to help them negotiate better outcomes, such as reduced fines or dropped criminal charges depending on the circumstances.

Furthermore, attending traffic school courses may reduce any sentences imposed or avoid having points added to one’s driver’s license altogether.


Getting arrested for DUI is undoubtedly an eye-opening experience, but unfortunately, it doesn’t mean that your problem has gone away completely.

One must understand all relevant legalities surrounding such cases so they can provide themselves with adequate protection while navigating through courts. 

With help from experienced defense lawyers and simply understanding the process, anyone should effectively minimize any penalties imposed upon them by taking all necessary precautions.

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